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We live in a world where we are constantly surrounded by distractions and our attention span is getting shorter. This has led to a rise in mental health issues. There are many things that we can do to improve our mental health and one of them is giving back to the community.

Yet, thoughtless giving doesn't add to your life. The balance of charity is not always an easy thing to find, but it is necessary for us to find it. We need to make sure that we are giving back as much as we take from the world around us, because without balance, there can be no progress.

The seventh principle of Niyama is Dana, or Charity.

“This principle is about controlling selfishness. A person should be aware of giving with their thoughts, words, and actions. According to the universal rule, one who doesn’t give does not gain. This can be seen in every dimension, for example one should breathe in and breathe out.” — Yoga What is it? What is it not? (ebook)

Here are some gifts we can give, you may find that the universe will return it to you in tenfolds when you add in life-changing knowledge.

1) Attention: Be present - these days, people only listen while thinking of what to say next.

2) Time: Be without expectation be thankful of all those who cross your path

3) Acceptance: Accept others and see their individuality, the positives over negatives.

5) Ourselves: Do not think of ways to be someone else, just be natural.

6) Soft words: While being ourselves, take care to soften any harsh words that may arise.

7) The Original Yoga System: The Art of Yoga in its purest form, free YouTube here

We often take from the world without giving anything in return. This is where the original yoga system comes into play. It teaches us how to give back by doing what we love and sharing it with others who need it as much as we do.


Updated: Aug 28, 2022

Written by Selva Ari

Original Yoga System is the science of correct living, and it is given to humanity to practice in everyday life. Yoga affects all the aspects of the human being in a positive way: physical, mental, emotional, neurological, psychological, energetic, and spiritual aspects.

The word yoga means "unification." In spiritual terms, that means unification of individual and universal consciousness. Yoga, in the physical dimension, is a tool to balance and harmonize the body, mind and senses. This balance and harmony is achieved through breath, bioenergy, body and mind practices.

Yoga proceeds from the physical level to the mental and emotional level. Many people suffer from interactions and stresses, phobias and neurosis of everyday life. Yoga offers the universal method to overcome all these problems.

Yoga is the harmony and cohesion between the word and the action or mind, heart and hand. By means of practicing yoga, interactive relations between physical, mental and emotional levels, and the awareness of how a disorder that ocurred in one level affects the other levels, increase. This consciousness takes the individual slowly to perception of more subtle fields of life.

Yoga techniques are so comprehensive and so varied that the individual, according to his or her desires, needs and aims, can practice specific yoga techniques to achieve their objectives. Through the Original Yoga System, the person can be freed from slavery of physical energies while maintaining a happy life in the material world. In the first stage, the person learns the limits and potentials of the body and mind. Later, the consciousness expands and the energy is released. Thereafter, the person overcomes their personal limits and starts living the supreme truth.

Physical and mental therapies are two of the most important achievements of the Original Yoga System. These therapies are so powerful and effective because they are founded on the principles of universal harmony and integration. Although modern science fails to treat asthma, diabetics, imbalanced blood pressure, arthritis, digestive disorders and other chronic and anatomical ailments, yoga succeeds as an alternative therapy. According to medical scientists, Yoga therapy is successful because it provides balance to nerves and endocrine systems, which directly affect all the other systems and organs of the body.

Every Original Yoga System session starts with abdominal breathing. This technique can be applied by all. You can implement the technique by standing with your legs spread 2 feet apart or sitting.


Place your hands on your stomach at the end of the ribs to control your breath. Empty your lungs completely by breathing out.

As you breathe in, inflate your belly by pushing the abdominal wall forward. In this way, the diaphragm will move downward and the air will fill the lower part of the lungs. Feel the movement of your abdomen with your hands.

As you exhale, pull the abdominal wall inwards. Here, the diaphragm will move upwards and the lower part of the lungs will empty completely. Control the movement of your abdomen with your hands.

Close your eyes. Follow your breathing; become aware of the movement of the abdomen and the diaphragm. Repeat this technique five to 25 times.


This technique removes neural and mental tension and leads to more oxygen intake. The nerves are settled and relaxed. The body relaxes and rests; sleeplessness is eliminated. The movement of the diaphragm massages the internal organs, improves digestive and excretory functions, regulates the metabolism, relaxes the heart, activates abdominal muscles and removes belly fat. Movement of the diaphragm helps activity of the heart. The heart relaxes and rests.

The liver, stomach, spleen and intestines are invigorated. Indigestion and constipation are eliminated. The dirty blood accumulated in these organs return to the blood circulation. The blood circulation in the veins is accelerated and the entire circulation is improved.

Negative emotions and situations cause contraction of the diaphragm, and lead to many diseases. The diaphragm of those who are restless, sleepless, irritable, nervous, in fear and anxiety, or suffering from panic attacks and shortness of breath does not work. Abdominal breathing helps to overcome these diseases.

Selva is a certified Yoga Academy Teacher Trainer and provides routine yoga classes. For more information, contact Selva at,


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